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  • Writer's picturePaul Schlueter

A Case of The Zoomies: Managing Your Dog's High Energy.

The busyness of modern life can contribute to pent up energy in your dog. These steps can help.

Pearl is our six month old English Cream Golden. She is a great dog; silly and fun with a great temperament and typically eager to please. The past few days however, Pearl has had a serious case of the zoomies. We had a busy weekend such that Sunday afternoon I remarked to my wife that I couldn’t wait for the work week to start to catch a break from the weekend. Pearl and her zoomies were likely connected to the lack of attention she received while we were busy running around.

A white dog in the forrest
English Cream Golden

Unfortunately it is true that the modern lifestyle with busy schedules and fast-paced living can have unintended consequences for our canine companions. Dogs are social and energetic animals, and they can find themselves with excess energy when their owners have limited time . Understanding how busy schedules contribute to this phenomenon is helpful for dog owners seeking to manage their pets' well-being.

There are a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, lack of exercise is a direct result of hectic schedules. Dogs, regardless of breed, require regular physical activity to maintain their health and mental balance. When owners are strapped for time, opportunities for walks, play, and outdoor activities diminish, leading to a buildup of unspent energy. This pent-up energy can manifest as restlessness, hyperactivity, or even destructive behavior.

Moreover, busy schedules can contribute to a lack of mental stimulation for dogs. Canines are intelligent animals that thrive on mental challenges and problem-solving. When owners are preoccupied with work or other commitments, dogs may experience boredom, which often translates into excess energy. Mental stimulation, achieved through interactive toys, puzzle games, and training sessions, is crucial for keeping a dog's mind engaged and preventing behavioral issues.

In addition, inconsistent routines can exacerbate the problem. Dogs are creatures of habit and thrive on predictability. A chaotic schedule can disrupt their routine, leading to stress and heightened energy levels. Consistency in feeding times, walks, and play sessions helps create a sense of security for dogs and contributes to a more balanced energy expenditure.

Dog owners can effectively manage excess energy despite busy schedules by incorporating some simple strategies into their routines. Utilizing dog-walking services, hiring a dog sitter, or enlisting the help of friends and family for playtime can ensure that dogs receive the exercise and companionship they need, even when owners are pressed for time. Additionally, integrating short but engaging activities, such as quick training sessions or interactive toys, can provide mental stimulation in brief intervals.

Pearl's high energy eventually settled down. A few long walks and some mental stimulation helped with the task. Busy schedules can create challenges in meeting a dog's energy needs, but it was an opportunity for us to practice a few proactive measures. It is helpful to recognize how our busyness has an impact on her needs so that we can take steps to ensure her well-being and happiness as an important part of our family.

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